We are very often get asked if we can provide the Manoir as the set for a film, a series, a photo shoot and sometimes I am even asked if we will feature in a tv programme such as “Bienvenue chez nous” or “Quatre mariages pour une lune de miel”. It is a very tricky call. Featuring as the set is ok as long as the filming does not interfere with the clientele and sometimes it can even create excitement as guests find it entertaining to be staying at a venue which hosts shoots. I have until now said no to featuring in a TV programme as I know we would be on a hiding to nothing. Everything would be criticised and although I feel confident that Le Manoir is up to most standards it is humiliating to be taken apart on national TV, I guess I care too much. The Made in Chelsea team came and a filmed a couple of times and it provided just enough entertainment for our British guests. The team was respectful and they did not interfere with the goings on at the hotel. The Only Way is Essex cast team come and stayed at the hotel during the Film Festival totally unannounced. I realised that they were something special when they started to order Brandy and Coke in the bar and when one of the girls (Gemma Collins) gave me her email address as “ilovegucci@hotmail.com” I knew then that I was in the presence of « royalty ».